Did you receive a Medicare Experience Survey?

Your Voice is Important!

In March you may receive a Medicare survey from CMS, the federal organization that runs Medicare. Not only does CMS want to hear from you, but your satisfaction as a patient and Prominence member is extremely important to us as well. 

Our goal is for your experience with Prominence to be a perfect 10 out of 10. If that is not the case, call us at the number below and let us know how we can improve!

How will you know if you've been selected to receive a survey?
If you are selected to receive a survey, you will receive an announcement letter in the next few days. The survey is administered directly by CMS (Medicare) to gather honest information about your experience with Prominence. You will receive your survey in English or Spanish, depending on the language preference you selected when you enrolled. 

Do not discard the letter or survey. It is not a scam or marketing material.

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Still Have Questions?

We’re here to help!
Call us before you complete your survey:

855-969-5882 (TTY: 711)